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For Appointments: 44 (0)2070 999 333

What are the methods of Screening and Diagnosis?

Your doctor will collect your medical history and conduct a physical exam. A thorough examination for swollen bulged areas on the abdomen, groin, scrotum, or thigh will be performed. Your doctor may be able to see or feel the bulge when you cough, stand up or strain your abdominal wall and see or feel it reduce in size when you lie down.

If required, your doctor may order special tests such as a herniagram or an ultrasound for diagnosis.

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Herniagram: This procedure involves injecting a radio-opaque liquid into the abdominal cavity and taking X-rays of the bulged region. The injected liquid will fill in the area of the abdominal cavity where the hernia is present and show up on the X-ray images. This confirms the presence or recurrence of a hernia.

Ultrasound may show a shadowed image of the bulge. Other imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) or computer tomography (CT) scan may be ordered to detect hernia.

Hiatal hernia can also be diagnosed with X-rays and an endoscope (flexible tube attached to a camera, which is inserted into the stomach). An oesophageal manometry may be used to measure the pressure of your oesophageal sphincter (circular band of muscle at the bottom of the oesophagus which controls the one way route of food). Your doctor may also suggest some tests to measure the levels of acidity inside the oesophagus.

Our Hospitals

Bishop Wood Hospitals Syon Clinic Earls Court St. Johns Wood Spire Bushey Hospital The Clementine Churchill Hospital