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Hernia Repair

Hernia Repair

  • Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
  • Open Inguinal Hernia Repair
  • Femoral Hernia Repair
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Types of Hernia
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Mr Abhay Chopada


Mr Abhay Chopada

Mr Abhay Chopada is a consultant, general and colorectal surgeon. He has been recognized by Tatler Magazine in their 2007 and 2013 Doctor's Guides as one of the... View Profile



The consultant Mr Chopada was as usual very professional and polite, I have complete confidence in his assessment for me.


- Mr Chopada

Our Hospitals

Bishop Wood Hospitals Syon Clinic Earls Court St. Johns Wood Spire Bushey Hospital The Clementine Churchill Hospital
Bishop Wood Hospitals Syon Clinic Earls Court St. Johns Wood Spire Bushey Hospital The Clementine Churchill Hospital